This program was
written as a final year project in academic fulfillment of NUS Bachelor of
Technology (Electronics) Engineering Degree course.
of an FIR Digital Filter Design Program
There are
various methods employed in the design of Equiripple Linear-Phase
FIR digital filters. A commonly used method is the Least-Mean-Square Error
method. In this project, an interface program will be developed to interact
with the user together with the required underlying algorithms needed for the
design of the FIR digital filter. The filters to be designed will be based on
the Least-Mean-Square Error method which will include equiripple lowpass,
highpass, bandpass and bandstop filters. In addition, the user will
be able to specify constraints on the FIR filter design such as the number of
filter weights, passband peak ripple value, stopband peak ripple value,
passband edge frequencies and stopband edge frequencies. The filter weights
generated will be saved to a text file as an output of the program.
Professor Lim
Yong Ching, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, NUS.

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Copyright © 2002 Adrian Chin Chi Siong
Last modified: April 15, 2002